The Libertarian Party filed a slate of statewide candidates on Monday, turning in more than 47,000 signatures to the Illinois State Board of Elections. That’s nearly double the required 25,000.
Kash Jackson, the party's candidate for governor, is a retired Navy veteran. He wants to legalize recreational marijuana, doesn’t want to see changes to gun laws in Illinois and said he would repeal a law, commonly referred to as House Bill 40, requiring public funding for abortions under Medicaid and state health insurance.
“I would not change the law as it stands right now other than repealing HB 40," said Jackson. "It should not be funded by taxpayers. I would like to see more private institutions do that and it be privately funded so if it’s going to happen, I think taxpayers could swallow the pill of ‘we’re not paying for it.’”
Jackson said his main goal is to reform family law, making moms and dads equal in court.
“Anytime they reduce a parent down to a visitor to their children, that justifies the state putting in support orders… child support orders," said Jackson. "And in Illinois, grotesquely inflated support orders.”
Jackson has his own history with regards to child support, as reported by the Daily Herald. According to court documents, he briefly spent time in jail last year for not paying. When asked about the details at a press conference on Monday, Jackson said he owed nearly $3,000 a month in support payments.
"Voters should ask themselves some serious questions, some critical thinking questions," said Jackson. "Why would a guy do 20 years in the military, have a top-secret clearance, be a reserve sheriff's deputy and then ignore the law? Is it willful? Or is it because you can't take 40 to 50 percent of somebody's income and expect them to live?"
Jackson said he does not know how much he owes and he is still not up to date on payments, but does see his children.
Other candidates include Sanj Mohip for lieutenant governor, Claire Ball for comptroller, Mike Leheney for treasurer, Steve Dutner for Secretary of State, and Bubba Harsy for attorney general.
The Libertarian Party petitions could still face a challenge, so it’s not yet certain the party's candidates will make it on the ballot this fall.