NPR ILLINOIS’ MISSION - Explain Illinois.
HOW WE DO IT: Inform, analyze, engage.
We deliver in-depth multimedia news reports, expert analysis on statewide issues, plus informative engagement events — all upholding the philosophy and integrity of public journalism.
Our programs and storytelling reflect the quality of life across Illinois in context with the nation and the world, and explore how residents may improve it.
Middle school students are learning about technology, journalism and media at the inaugural @NPRIllinois PodCamp this week at #UISedu. Today students interviewed community leaders for a podcast they will edit and post on the radio station’s website. pic.twitter.com/VrO7jV4vda
— University of Illinois Springfield (@UISedu) June 20, 2018

Credit UIS Office of Electronic Media / NPR Illinois 91.9 UIS
NPR Illinois 91.9 UIS