On Wednesday, Illinois ratified the Equal Rights Amendment, a proposed change to the U.S. Constitution — 46 years after Congress approved it.The proposed…
A resolution that would have Illinois ratify the Equal Rights Amendment has yet to be called for a deciding House vote. The House sponsor, Democratic…
A measure to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment got approval from an Illinois House committee Wednesday, in what could be the final step before it's called…
Legislators of both parties are calling on Governor Bruce Rauner to voice support for the Equal Rights Amendment. While a ratification proposal passed the…
The Equal Rights Amendment is back in the news and back in the Statehouse, as supporters make another push for ratification in Illinois.Meanwhile, the…
A decades-long battle for state ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment is still waging on. On Tuesday, supporters traveled from different areas of the…
The new bipartisan Illinois Senate Women’s Caucus threw its support behind the Equal Rights Amendment helping it win approval in that chamber. But, not…
Those in favor of a measure they say would help get an amendment closer to being added to the U.S. Constitution will head to the Statehouse to lobby for…
The Equal Rights Amendment, commonly referred to as the ERA, aims to end the legal distinction between men and women, something supporters say would…
Illinois remains a battleground over women's rights.Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State…