This week we learn about the Lost Cross house in Carbondale. Much like the often-covered-by-us Black Sheep, it's a DIY punk venue, but with the unique caveat being it's also a residence. Over the past 30 years its been called home by dozens and hosted hundreds of bands from all over the world.
This weekend there's a festival celebrating its legacy. We spoke with its current tenant, Sam Beard. You can listen to an extended conversation we had with him, featuring some tunes, here:
Here is the entire episode featuring other events happening in central Illinois this weekend:

This week it's all about what's new on Netflix...

Earlier this week the mayor of Carbondale declared Sept. 4th to be Tim Beaty Day. The prolific drummer who often played at the Lost Cross was killed in a shooting he was not a part of - apparently while saving others. Here is music from one of the many bands he was in, Blast Radius: